Quite PPO...(look at upside-down)

Pelo @Pelemus-McSoy

Age 34, Male

CEO of DeRoze Prod.

Why do you care?

Earth, Cronos Galaxy

Joined on 2/16/06

Exp Points:
2,684 / 2,840
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5.81 votes
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Pelemus-McSoy's News

Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - August 19th, 2009

Bad news about Bill's Quest first:

The file size is getting big. A little too big for comfort. In fact, it got so big I had to reduce audio so it could compile. I'll need to find a way to reduce the mo-fo down. Also, it's got some bugs scattered here and there, but those can be fixed.

Another problem is not all the music and cutscenes are there (Goat-Man, I know you're on the job, so I'm not worried!). I am, however, worried about the music not being ready in time. And as mentioned before, I'm afraid that's gonna jack the file size up too much.

Good news time! =D

Tom Fulp, our lord and saviour of Newgrounds, has been gracious enough to allow us to submit our file so long as it stays under 20MB. I think we can do it! And there's the possibility of medals (note: possibility...does not mean it's 100% gonna happen).

For the most part, the map is done. I just gotta code in the shops and it's done. The battle engine is mostly working...changed the coding around last night, and now I just need to get stats set up and reset enemy stats...and the learn move feature...oh I'm just so excited for that one...

I'm sure I can have all the necessary coding done by the end of the month. If I return to campus and still not have it all done, I'll be sure to bugger the hell out of whoever I need stuff from.

Until next time, folks...


P.S. Bronze Whistle again! Fuck yeah!

P.S.S. I made this Waffles doll last week. Adorable, no?

Getting close...

Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - August 2nd, 2009

Earlier this winter I hacked and slashed away at the Battle Layout file of Bill's Quest and made a shit ton of progress. This summer I have made the Map file my bitch. Tonight marks an important event:

The merging of the two files.

This itself is a double-edged sword...the bad side is I made the files independent of each other, so I'll need to change a lot of coding on either file when merged. Just time consuming (and hopefully no glitches as a result).

The upside is...get ready for this...

Bill's Quest is almost DONE!!!

I just have to finish the merge, add a couple features, add a preloader/menu, and iron out details and bugs and then after two years of on and off work and lord knows how many (stupid) glitches, it's finally D-U-N DONE.

In other news, I'm still psyched about the bronze whistle status, and am currently looking forward to an epic next couple weeks. Psyche! Guess I got cocky or flagged the wrong stuff. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted.

Pelo out.

P.S. This is one of my favourite art pieces that I made back in June.

The merging has begun...

Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - July 9th, 2009

Greetings from sunny California!

I'm visiting with my cousin and her husband and three year old child for a couple weeks. Sure, the young one wants me to play with him a lot (which I do spend time with him; I'm not a heartless bastard), but when he's off at school or in bed (and when I'm not playing the oh so awesome Civilization IV) I figured I'd go into overdrive with Bill's Quest. That's right! I hope to kill off as much of this game as I can by next Saturday!

In the beginning, I thought the map was going to be my worst nightmare; well, with some help from the ever gracious dragonjet (and some tweaking for my own use), the map nightmare became a dream come true. To make a long story short, I've made the map my bitch.

I'm also slowly starting to integrate things from other test files into the map file. You know what that means, right? You guessed it! This game is finally coming together!

I have a goal to get this game dead and buried before I return to school. With the way things are going, I know I'll make it!



P.S. Bronze Whistle! FUCK YEAH!!

P.P.S. Pic Unrelated.


Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - May 1st, 2009

Greetings Newgrounds. =3

Today I'd like to post a tribute to my favourite audio artists. The Audio Portal doesn't get as much recognition as Flashes do, so I'd like to highlight them here in this post.*

*Provided anyone actually looks at this backwater profile...

Jala-Fox - I don't remember how I stumbled upon this artist, but I enjoyed his catchy drum and bass songs. One includes Fox- SAM-I-AM - Vox Break E.X.. There was another song of his that I really enjoyed, but he unfortunately deleted it.

Iplaygames - This fellow found me first. He asked me to listen to his songs, and I did. I was overall impressed with his music, but the volume was always an issue. However, (IPG) Switch had tolerable volume and was quite catchy. I honoured his success by placing it in my game DeRoze Picross.

cgk2457 (aka Zombie Beaver) - A personal friend of mine, this chap knows how to work Garage Band well enough to manipulate any track for a custom purpose. Although he is far from known and his music is under appreciated, I feel he has serious potential in the future. Personal favourites include Jazz-Tastic and Emanation.

Dj-Rec0il - I was searching the Audio Portal for Perfect Dark remix songs, and this man here had them. He is superb at remixing songs, including Running In The 90's RMX, pd-AirBase-pd(War Remix), and AirBase(DanceMix). He is also a nice person to talk to. =3

EliteFerrex - After playing a Pico Day 2009 game, a song started to play that I instantly fell in love with. I dug through some of his other work, and was stunned by his 8-bit and techno skills. 8-Bit Cave (Soullink Assist), Alpha and Omega, and Beneath the Waves will forever have a place in my heart.

Gillenium - Pandemic hosted one of this composer's songs that fit the mood of the game perfectly. I poked his other songs with a curious stick and found some very soothing ambient songs that helped me settle in when I first arrived at college. I will never forget (Gillenium) Ants in Blue Gel, Ants in a Better Place, and Drops of Life.

tl;dr - The artists and the music listed above rule. Listen to them.

I want to thank all the above artists for their great music. =3


Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - April 13th, 2009

College is great, but it's also dragging me down Flashwise...or maybe I just don't have any interest right now in completing Bill's Quest...haven't had energy to do the boss battles, the map's still gonna be a bitch to finish, and stuff for English keeps draining my energy...

I've also got ideas for animations I wanna do...one solo project and something with a couple people here on campus (another Stickman Game)...but I don't know when there will be time for that...

Also, I normally would (attempt to) work on the game on weekend nights, but fortune has smiled upon me...I now spend the time that used to be lonely with my girlfriend. She's also helping me out for the game as well, and she's quite excited to work on it. =3

Hopefully I can muster some energy together at the end of the semester...June is most likely when I'll work on it again.

I apologize to all those who have been waiting and waiting for this to get done...


P.S. This picture is a hint at what my next Halloween costume will be...Any guesses? (Don't ruin the surprise, Fehfeh)


Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - March 24th, 2009

Hey everyone! (or the random few who happen to cross this humble page)

I'm doing some research on online communities, and it would be greatly appreciated if you could help me out! I got a thread here, and if you would take the time to answer (and possibly share) that would be great!

Thanks, and have a nice day!


Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - February 16th, 2009

Happy third birthday to my online name, Pelemus McSoy...three years ago today I created a NG account, finished and submitted an (amazingly shitty) animation on submarines for a history project, and watched it get blammed. God, what a shitty week that was...

About a year or so later, I teamed up with Funny-Man and submitted Chad Weathers the Weather. Looking back on it, my character design was so primitive compared to my comics today...sure, they haven't changed a lot, but small details on the characters are more noticeable and fine tuned and stuff...I even changed the way I do lip syncing which (in my humble opinion) looks smoother and much easier to work with.

Later that year, I created my first solo project and official game: Chad's Quest...a small game I created for my town library...but I don't think it ever got the recognition on the website that I had hoped for. Oh well. It still taught me a few things about game design, increased my art skills some, learned some awesome special effects and coding tricks, and I learned the importance of concept sketches.

DeRoze Picross came next...a (what I thought was gonna be a) side project to Bill's Quest (still in the works, but the beta tests had been completed). With Goat-Man's help, it became a lot prettier and even made it to Daily 7th...and is probably my highest ranking submission to date. What a bitch it was to make...and there were still glitches even after I submitted it...

You know that something went horribly wrong when you work on three side projects to get away from a side project...Clock Crew Shorts (which was actually accepted by the Clock Crew), Clocks in the Rye (an English project parodying the craptastic Catcher in the Rye that actually got a 90), and Stickman Game (an animated version of a game I enjoy that Goat-Man and I made up as we went along...hopefully it could become the start of a new collab genre: interacting animations. It was really fun to make). Then finally, DeRoze Picross made it to the light of day.

For Christmas I wanted to make something different and increase my animation skills a little more, so I made DeRoze Christmas 2008 for Newgrounds...over all people thought it was funny and original, but it wasn't good enough to really see much light after it left the Portal...in fact, it's my lowest scoring project to date. It was still fun to make. =3

And then of course, I have all sorts of music I've submitted. =3

I must say, a lot has happened over the three years I've been on Newgrounds...looking back at my reviews of my early days, I looked somewhat noobish and immature, whereas now I leave well thought out reviews and submit stuff that people enjoy. I feel like I've become an official Newgrounder because I've reviewed Flash stuffs and music, submitted audio and Flash stuffs, and have posted on here and in the forums.

It's been great. =3


P.S. Bill's Quest is still in the works, but it's a little more than halfway done. =3

P.P.S. A huge thanks to Goat-Man for the new icons and banner! =D

Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - January 19th, 2009

Hey everyone! Greetings from snowy Massachusetts!

So after an insanely long break from working on the game (not sure why, but my energy was gone), I've finally picked it up again. Currently I'm working on the battle engine, and it's coming along great! I'd post a preview, but the actual content of the game is to be kept secret!

I'm not gonna put an estimated date of release. I simply don't know when that's gonna be, though I'll definitely give it y'all a heads up before it comes out!

Have a good one!


Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - December 13th, 2008

Seasons Greetings Newgrounds! 'Tis been awhile since I last posted, so how 'bout something new?

Made a little somethin' for you guys (not that it's gonna get much more publicity). It's dedicated to my close friends here at the University of Delaware. =3




Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - October 30th, 2008

Hey everyone! Long time no post!

So yeah, nothing's been done with the game in awhile...I know, I know...we've been busy and all...As soon as Goat-Man's done with his bit, then I can piece everything together and then we have a game! We hope that it will be done before 2009 (though don't be surprised if it isn't...)

I love Halloween time! Free candy and getting to dress up in silly costumes whilst being able to be considered normal in society! Here's my costume below!

I was in the Water Temple, and the fucking Like-Like ate me...and then for some reason, I blacked out and woke up at the beginning of the temple...oh well, at least I still got my awesome Goron Tunic! =D

Cheers friends!


P.S. Happy Halloween!!! =D

P.P.S. I've cleaned the dorm up since that picture was taken.

Halloween Time!!