Earlier this winter I hacked and slashed away at the Battle Layout file of Bill's Quest and made a shit ton of progress. This summer I have made the Map file my bitch. Tonight marks an important event:
The merging of the two files.
This itself is a double-edged sword...the bad side is I made the files independent of each other, so I'll need to change a lot of coding on either file when merged. Just time consuming (and hopefully no glitches as a result).
The upside is...get ready for this...
Bill's Quest is almost DONE!!!
I just have to finish the merge, add a couple features, add a preloader/menu, and iron out details and bugs and then after two years of on and off work and lord knows how many (stupid) glitches, it's finally D-U-N DONE.
In other news, I'm still psyched about the bronze whistle status, and am currently looking forward to an epic next couple weeks. Psyche! Guess I got cocky or flagged the wrong stuff. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted.
Pelo out.
P.S. This is one of my favourite art pieces that I made back in June.
That is AWESOME!!!
I'm make sure to finish off anything else that needs doing.
Finding sound effects for it all might be a bitch....
Also you lost your whistle status already :(