Greetings Newgrounds. =3
Today I'd like to post a tribute to my favourite audio artists. The Audio Portal doesn't get as much recognition as Flashes do, so I'd like to highlight them here in this post.*
*Provided anyone actually looks at this backwater profile...
Jala-Fox - I don't remember how I stumbled upon this artist, but I enjoyed his catchy drum and bass songs. One includes Fox- SAM-I-AM - Vox Break E.X.. There was another song of his that I really enjoyed, but he unfortunately deleted it.
Iplaygames - This fellow found me first. He asked me to listen to his songs, and I did. I was overall impressed with his music, but the volume was always an issue. However, (IPG) Switch had tolerable volume and was quite catchy. I honoured his success by placing it in my game DeRoze Picross.
cgk2457 (aka Zombie Beaver) - A personal friend of mine, this chap knows how to work Garage Band well enough to manipulate any track for a custom purpose. Although he is far from known and his music is under appreciated, I feel he has serious potential in the future. Personal favourites include Jazz-Tastic and Emanation.
Dj-Rec0il - I was searching the Audio Portal for Perfect Dark remix songs, and this man here had them. He is superb at remixing songs, including Running In The 90's RMX, pd-AirBase-pd(War Remix), and AirBase(DanceMix). He is also a nice person to talk to. =3
EliteFerrex - After playing a Pico Day 2009 game, a song started to play that I instantly fell in love with. I dug through some of his other work, and was stunned by his 8-bit and techno skills. 8-Bit Cave (Soullink Assist), Alpha and Omega, and Beneath the Waves will forever have a place in my heart.
Gillenium - Pandemic hosted one of this composer's songs that fit the mood of the game perfectly. I poked his other songs with a curious stick and found some very soothing ambient songs that helped me settle in when I first arrived at college. I will never forget (Gillenium) Ants in Blue Gel, Ants in a Better Place, and Drops of Life.
tl;dr - The artists and the music listed above rule. Listen to them.
I want to thank all the above artists for their great music. =3
hahah... thanks man. and I think I've fixed the volume problem on my new songs... still awaiting bill's quest
I am too...the semester is finally winding down and I should be back on track soon.
Glad to hear the volume is under control!