Greetings from sunny California!
I'm visiting with my cousin and her husband and three year old child for a couple weeks. Sure, the young one wants me to play with him a lot (which I do spend time with him; I'm not a heartless bastard), but when he's off at school or in bed (and when I'm not playing the oh so awesome Civilization IV) I figured I'd go into overdrive with Bill's Quest. That's right! I hope to kill off as much of this game as I can by next Saturday!
In the beginning, I thought the map was going to be my worst nightmare; well, with some help from the ever gracious dragonjet (and some tweaking for my own use), the map nightmare became a dream come true. To make a long story short, I've made the map my bitch.
I'm also slowly starting to integrate things from other test files into the map file. You know what that means, right? You guessed it! This game is finally coming together!
I have a goal to get this game dead and buried before I return to school. With the way things are going, I know I'll make it!
P.S. Bronze Whistle! FUCK YEAH!!
P.P.S. Pic Unrelated.
I will do everything I can to help with that goal!
We can do it!
That we can!