Hey everyone! Greetings from snowy Massachusetts!
So after an insanely long break from working on the game (not sure why, but my energy was gone), I've finally picked it up again. Currently I'm working on the battle engine, and it's coming along great! I'd post a preview, but the actual content of the game is to be kept secret!
I'm not gonna put an estimated date of release. I simply don't know when that's gonna be, though I'll definitely give it y'all a heads up before it comes out!
Have a good one!
Glad to hear your back at it.
When it's finished up it will be easier to see what characters moves need some polishing up.
I know I have a list of things to fix/add
When that's out of the way, I'd like to really see if some things look out of place
The battle engine's almost done, so I will definitely send you a copy when it's done (sounds not included).
I'm excited! =D