Quite PPO...(look at upside-down)

Pelo @Pelemus-McSoy

Age 34, Male

CEO of DeRoze Prod.

Why do you care?

Earth, Cronos Galaxy

Joined on 2/16/06

Exp Points:
2,684 / 2,840
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5.81 votes
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Pelemus-McSoy's News

Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - September 7th, 2008

Greetings from the University of Delaware! It's been a week since I've been here, and it's been pretty awesome!

Bill's Quest is coming along very slowly, though...I haven't been at my computer much this week, and I don't want to lose interest in Flash...we hope to have the game done by the end of the month.

The picture I have below is a little something I drew last year. Not sure why I drew it, but I did. It's an alien that I thought of three years ago, so that's probably why it's a little freaky looking.

Until next time,


A new chapter...

Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - June 19th, 2008

Wednesday June 18, 2008 marks another milestone event in my life! I had my orientation into college! At the end of August, I'll be moving in and setting up base there for the next four years to become an accountant with a minor in interactive media! =3

Hopefully, courses and stuff won't get in the way of my Flash productions (or the other way around!). If anything, Flash will be my sanity check if I ever find myself being overloaded (especially with writing courses).

Now that DeRoze Picross and Stickman Game are completed, Goat-Man and I have a little more free time to take care of Bill's Quest, as well as branch out to do other things (comic drawing and a Clock Day animation for me, not sure what he's up to).

Last week I went bowling with some friends. I couldn't help but grab a friend's notebook and sketch a lane, and then I wondered how Kevin could manage to screw up bowling...well, the comic below says it!

Next comic: "Golfing Gone Wrong"

The next step! (and other things!)

Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - June 7th, 2008

It's done! DeRoze Picross is finally done! Play and vote fairly!

And now to work on an animation (for my own personal gain), as well as be ready for Bill's Quest, and another game that another person has asked me to help with...

Don't expect anything from me for a little while (save for a secret animation Goat-Man and I are almost finished with). After a major production comes out, I need a couple days to just cool off and relax. This was perhaps the most stressful projects I've dealt with.



Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - May 18th, 2008

Good day, Newgrounds!

After Goat-Man kindly prettied up DeRoze Picross, it's back in my hands and ready to be finished! I still have much work to do on the 15 x 15 puzzles, and must tackle some coding bugs, as well as putting in music and options and the like.

If I ever get bored of that, I always have storyboards and other rough art sketches to draw for Bill's Quest for Goat-Man to animate, and once those are all done, I'll have to put those together! That'll be an adventure!

And if both of those are getting me down, there's a secret project that Goat-Man and I are working on...what is it? Well, you'll just have to wait and see!

I love having so many things to do in Flash! =3


My my! Flash keeps getting better!

~Fixed all known bugs in DeRoze Picross, currently finishing 15 x 15 puzzles.
~Found and tweaked an FPS I started last year. Click here to try it! (Note: The animation and graphics suck. I'll be honest. I'm not cut out for that. Whatever.)

I gotta say, Flash is the best thing that ever happened to me!

/*Another Update!*/
Woot! On the homestretch for DeRoze Picross!! I just gotta code the 15 x 15 puzzles, add music, and tweak minor details, and it's ready to submit!!

Click here to see the preview of DeRoze Picross, and be ready to be blown away by the revamped version's awesomeness!!

Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - May 14th, 2008

Greetings everyone! =3

Today was the day I was looking for! School was easy, it's almost out, I didn't fail my history essay, didn't have anatomy today, Goat-Man is currently prettying up DeRoze Picross before I finish the 15 x 15 puzzles (I don't want him to deal with almost 5,000 symbols), and I got voice acting done for a scene that I thought was gonna be a pain in the ass to get! (not to mention the weather outside is gorgeous!)

Tonight at the library was no exception! There was plenty of work to keep me busy during my shift (and some left over for tomorrow!), and I may have helped expose an accounting fraud at some churches in the area...or at least help someone get the necessary signs of fraud so she can enlighten the head church people...but still...

Though the whole exposing things makes me wonder...is it luck or is it fate? If she hadn't asked what I wanted to study, I wouldn't have told her I want to be an accountant...if she didn't tell me that she'd love to have her son working for the government (just hopes, not forcing), I wouldn't have brought up having him expose any frauds...and if that hadn't happened, I wouldn't have mentioned some signs of accounting fraud...

You be the judge.

Everything's gonna be okay...I can feel it!


Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - May 5th, 2008

--Monday, May 5, 2008--

It started off like any other...woke up, got food, made lunch for later, watched the news, went to school.

In homeroom, though, my teacher was given three average sized goldfish in a medium vase...now, this wouldn't be much of an issue normally, but the fact that the fish were:

a) Crowded in this vase...I doubt three goldfish would last long in such a cramped environment.
b) Swimming in such dirty water that happened to be tap water...tap water is poisonous to fish. I know this from experience.
c) The poor things were in the same water since the weekend. That meant they only had a short time to live in that shitty water.

I couldn't take it. I went on a huge quest to save them. Fortunately, my 7th grade science teacher had some fish equipment (a net and a little fish food) as well as a couple giant beakers, and my science teacher from last year had plenty of distilled water (which is okay for fish). I got everything I needed and set to work. I managed to transfer them into one giant beaker (with some distilled water and some shitty water), then scooped 'em out one at a time with the next into the beaker with distilled water. Finally dropped a little food in and let them relax a little.

Tomorrow I plan to bring in some fish caring equipment (tank, rocks/castle/seaweed, O2 generator, fish formula for treating tap water, net) that I've had since my brother and I had fish back in the day. I'll give them a real home.

Some people at school are willing to take them home. My teacher trusts one person 100% 'cause he's a vegan...never thought that I'd be happy to encounter one...she's not sure about the others, but I do have a small desire to take one home. But I wonder if University of Delaware tolerates pet fish...?

I was a little irked by the person who gave my teacher the fish...how could she say that it's just tap water and they're just goldfish? For cripe's sake, they're living creatures too! Just because they're small and in water doesn't mean that they should die.

A math class well spent, I must say. And my teacher was even supportive of the adventure.

It's not like we were doing anything in class anyways.

--Tuesday, May 6, 2008--

After prepping all the equipment the night before, I brought in a tank, some colourful pebbles, an air generator (for a little extra O2), some fake seaweed, a column thing they can go through, and a castle (though the castle never made it in, though...too cramped). Anyways, it didn't take much time to pour the "clean" water or get the rocks and other stuffs in. It also didn't take much time to get the fish into the new tank either. A little pouring from the beaker and into the net, then into the tank.

Though many people have expressed interest in them, my teacher says I should take them home. All of them. And I will. Hell, I plan to take them with me to Delaware at the end of the summer, though transporting them will be a little bit of a challenge...6 or so hours in a car that's constantly bumping up and down in a cramped container...I hope they make it okay...

Interesting to know that the person who gave my teacher the fish also had a couple fish of her own...and they were found dead this morning. I can't help but feel bad for the poor fish...dying from shitty water, cramped space, and possibly lack of food...my teacher this morning said that the fish looked happy! And they were eating! I just hope that it doesn't matter that they're eating tropical fish food instead of goldfish food... o_O

I just hope they aren't dead tomorrow...I didn't have the chemical stuffs that was necessary to purify tap water, but they say leaving tap water out over night will do the trick. Maybe I should get some distilled water at the store tonight...just in case...

--Wednesday, May 7, 2008--
Last night I did a lot of reading up on fish care. Turns out that distilled water isn't the best for fish, but rather spring water. So I did go to the store and got spring water (since they didn't have distilled water, but that's okay now). I even picked out names for the fish. Yorange (the fish is orange with a yellowish tint), Martyr (I accidentally hurt him on Monday), and Musket (because his scales are the same colour as a musket ball).

This morning, though, my teacher informed me that one of them died over night. There was Martyr, just floating there, not doing anything. The water also looked insanely murky again (just like the day they were rescued). Good thing I bought the spring water! I poured some into the vase so they would have a place to stay whilst I cleaned out the tank. I put Martyr in three layers of folded paper towels for a later burial, and immedeately set to work cleaning out the tank.

It's amazing the resources you have in a school...I had access to a sink and soap, and not to mention the items from Monday...

Once the tank was cleaned and filled, Yorange and Musket were returned to their tank and moved to the other side of the room. Now it was time to deal with Martyr.

The superintendent said it was okay to bury the fish on school grounds (to my surprise), and I set out to find a shovel. Too bad there wasn't one, but there was a nice sharp rock out front that I was able to use to dig a crude grave. I put Martyr in it, covered him up, and placed another rock as his tombstone. It will probably be removed at some point, and maybe his remains will be discovered, but I refuse to flush any of my fish down the toilet. It just doesn't seem right.

Today I'm going to the store a couple towns over to get some proper food for Yorange and Musket, and some chemicals to "cleanse" tap water.

I found out that (if they survive), I can take them with me to Delaware! Getting them there will be a challenge, but there is a site that has detailed explanations on how to care for fish, and moving them is one of the topics!


So I got what I needed at the pet store and made a run back to school. I prepped two gallons of water for later use...I didn't have time to change the water in the tank (which was still clear)...I had to get to work. But tomorrow morning I'll take care of that (if time permits). I put a little food in, swapped out the seaweed for the castle, and changed the O2 generator (which sadly puts out less than the older one! >_< )...

Christ, that water's cold! Maybe that's what ultimately killed Martyr...I need a thermometer of some sort to see how cold it is...I hope it's above 60 degrees...

The girl at the store said that it's best to have 10 gallons of water for every 3 or 4 goldfish. Well shit buddy, I'm not lugging my bro's aquarium to school just to take it back home...maybe when I go to Delaware I'll take the aquarium...or not...if (God forbid) Yorange and Musket die before I go to Delaware, I'll probably get one fish...maybe another Betta fish...? Or perhaps another goldfish of some sort...?

--Thursday, May 8, 2008--
Not much happened with the fish today...except that they're scared shitless of me. I guess it's understandable, though...would you be scared of a creature that's x00 times your size constantly moving you around and out of a hospitable environment?

Tomorrow I need to change the water. They'll be alone for the weekend, and the water could get quite murky. Better to get murky with clean water, right? I'll leave a little extra food for them. Just a little.

If they make it, I'm gonna take them home in time for graduation. They'll get to live in the kitchen, maybe even get some attention during the graduation party.

--Friday, May 9, 2008--
They seem to be in stable condition. If they survive the weekend, then I think they've made a full recovery. If that's the case, then I think it's best that I will only post if something big happens (like coming home or a death).

It feels good...knowing that I've saved two lives. Whereas the other fish (excluding Martyr) have most likely died by now of tap water poisoning, Yorange and Musket are still alive and well...even if they spend most of their time hiding behind/inside their castle.

--Monday, May 12, 2008--
This weekend was like being kicked in the head by a mule...first you feel nothing, then the extreme pain, and then the pain goes away. Prom was this weekend, and as intense as it was, the day after was the painful realization that I had once again failed at getting a girlfriend...Yesterday was somewhat better...Saturday's pain was mostly gone, but fucking writing assignments keep hurting me. I was hoping today would be a little better.

Go figure it wasn't.

Sure, I got some storyboarding done for our game and managed to do okay on a test in History (at least I think I did okay), but you know it's going to be a bad day when you go in to first period and find your pet fish dead.

That's right, Yorange and Musket died over the weekend. Cause of death is unknown, but it looks as if Yorange died first...like Martyr, I gave them a proper burial out front. I cleaned out their tank for the last time.

I feel like a bloody failure...I can't get a girlfriend, I suck at writing, I can't remember all the fucking details of the skin and bones, and now I can't even keep two fish alive over a weekend...

And thus ends "Operation Fish"...it had high hopes, but like everything else in my life (except for college and a few Flash stuffs), it all came crashing down...



Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - April 13th, 2008

Saturday April 12, 2008 was one hell of a day...

First, I visited the University of Delaware and was struck by it's awesomeness...leaving me with a tough decision of either that or Rochester Institute of Technology...two awesome schools, but only one choice...I hate decisions like that...

Second, Dad wanted to show me some dorms that we didn't see earlier that day. So we're just walking along when we come to an intersection. I hear a female scream, and then WHAMO!! we witness a pick-up truck crash into a sedan. We gave a statement and may be called upon should this whole thing go to court, we may have to go back down there to testify or something...we live in Massachusetts, so that would kinda be an inconvenience...geez, that's one thing that's been burned into my retinas... o_O No matter how many movies you watch, real life events are always nerve racking...

Lastly, Dad and I were on our way back to the car to go back to the hotel for the night. We were just chillin' on Main Street when we heard a woman yelling. A leashed dog had managed to escape the woman's grasp and was running down Main Street (in the opposite direction, mind you). After about five seconds of many signals in me debating whether or not to do something, I finally bolted after the dog. It was a good thing the cars behind us stopped 'cause we were runnin' down that road like there was no tomorrow! I even lost a shoe in the process! (Hey, it was falling off and was making me run funny.) Shortly after, I see a guy running even faster than me appear, and he managed to convince the dog to run down a small opening into a little park area. The dog was headed straight for a couple people on a bench, but when they reached out, the dog did a 90 degree turn. The other guy dove for the leash, but missed. Finally, the dog jumped over a concrete wall (not very tall, though), but the leash stayed behind and got caught, ending the chase. I climbed down and let the dog sniff me, then gently patted the dog to show that I meant no harm. The owner (who was very grateful) and the dog were reunited, and I started back down Main Street. I picked up my shoe from the road (fortunately on the far left side, away from the returned traffic), and casually walked back to Dad (who was waiting patiently), and returned to the car.

The thing is, all of these events have built off of each other. If I had been adament about not visiting UDel this weekend, I would not have realized it's awesomeness. If Dad and I had not done some extra wandering and resting, we would not have witnessed the accident. If we had not gone to the police station to give more information/make sure everything was straight (didn't wanna wrongfully accuse anyone) nor decide to take a little walk down Main Street after supper, I would not have had such an adrenaline surge (which I was sort of in the mood for earlier in the day by chance).

Isn't it weird how life works sometimes?

Which makes me realize how much I've gone through in my life...I've only been 18 for a short time, but I've been tested for Marfan's Syndrome, had a CAT Scan, had three chest tubes, been opened up for lung surgery three times, been stuck with a catheter whilst awake, woken up with a ventilator three times (two of which I was not supposed to), have been X-Rayed enough times that I'm surprised I'm not glowing yet, and have been pricked in the arms and hands for blood tests and IVs so many times that I just don't care anymore (bring on the vaccine shots, people). And next week, I'm going under the knife again to remove extra bone/cartiledge on my left leg.

Well, good news is I've yet to see death...and let's hope it stays that way.

In Flash 8 production news, there will be very little progress made on anything this week. It is tech week, and I have work and other things to take care of as well, so the only real down time I'll have is late at night, and I'm not going to bed late this week. I'm too tired for that...but come next week, I'll be in full Flash 8 game design, hopefully to finish up DeRoze Picross once and for all.


P.S. Those of you who read through this whole thing are good sports.

Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - March 26th, 2008

So yeah, there's been an absolute shift of plans here...

As you all (may) have known, I planned to finish and submit DeRoze Picross next Saturday. Keyword: "planned".

Recent events have pushed it to the side for a short time. I have an English assignment due next Friday, and have decided to make an animation for it: "Clocks in the Rye", a parody/summary of Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger. It will star me, CellClock, as Holden Caulfield, and other Clocks will make cameo appearances as well.

I guess I'm not too bummed out about it...I'll still have something to submit on my birthday!


Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - March 23rd, 2008

So yeah, DeRoze Picross is coming along...I just have to code 5 more 10x10 puzzles, then it's on to the 15x15 puzzles...joys...

Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed making this, but there are some things about it that are just pissing me off...

~Tedious click/type method...
~Long save time...
~Even longer export time (about 5-8 minutes for a game that's not even 200 KB...you can thank 2080 items in the library for that...and it's gonna keep going up)...God help me when the music goes in and kicks the file size up 7 MB...
~Bugs, bugs, and more bugs...seriously, not one 10x10 puzzle has gone by without a bug...

This is why I needed to take a break from it and make the Clock Crew Shorts...to keep me sane...

At least Bill's Quest will be much more diverse to work with...


P.S. You know, the irony here is this game will probably be popular for a short time whilst it's in the Portal, then never again be seen...

P.P.S. Forgive my negative behaviour tonight...I'm just in one of those moods...loneliness does that to me, you know?


So yeah, I'm feelin' a little better today! It was a good day, and I won't be so pressed for time because something that I thought would take me a lot of time won't be an issue, and I think I can have the 10x10 puzzles done before I go to bed tonight (3/24/08)!

Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - March 19th, 2008

Update time! Yay! ^_^

Game productions:
Goat-Man is back at it with animations for the game! Hopefully we can also figure out the full plot line too!

Still haven't gotten into full gear with DeRoze Picross, but since there's a long weekend coming up, I'll be able to take advantage of it!

Latest Animation:
Well, the Clock Crew Shorts has survived the vicious route that is the Newgrounds Portal, and has yet to receive a bad review! Even the Clocks are talking! They say that "an outsider got it right"! Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! :3

Anything else?
I'm so full of ideas I think I'm gonna explode! Gotta love Flash, though!

On a completely random note, I think I've officially gone insane...the pic below says all...
