Good day, Newgrounds!
After Goat-Man kindly prettied up DeRoze Picross, it's back in my hands and ready to be finished! I still have much work to do on the 15 x 15 puzzles, and must tackle some coding bugs, as well as putting in music and options and the like.
If I ever get bored of that, I always have storyboards and other rough art sketches to draw for Bill's Quest for Goat-Man to animate, and once those are all done, I'll have to put those together! That'll be an adventure!
And if both of those are getting me down, there's a secret project that Goat-Man and I are working on...what is it? Well, you'll just have to wait and see!
I love having so many things to do in Flash! =3
My my! Flash keeps getting better!
~Fixed all known bugs in DeRoze Picross, currently finishing 15 x 15 puzzles.
~Found and tweaked an FPS I started last year. Click here to try it! (Note: The animation and graphics suck. I'll be honest. I'm not cut out for that. Whatever.)
I gotta say, Flash is the best thing that ever happened to me!
/*Another Update!*/
Woot! On the homestretch for DeRoze Picross!! I just gotta code the 15 x 15 puzzles, add music, and tweak minor details, and it's ready to submit!!
Click here to see the preview of DeRoze Picross, and be ready to be blown away by the revamped version's awesomeness!!
It's rather ridiculous that together we have 3 things going at once o_O
At as a hint. Secret project 3 is a movie. Not a game. Although it is a game of sorts for me and Pelo, since there is no script! Mwahahaha
The good news is we'll have something ready to work on when something is released!
And I must say, the secret movie is quite fun to make! =3