Quite PPO...(look at upside-down)

Pelo @Pelemus-McSoy

Age 34, Male

CEO of DeRoze Prod.

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Earth, Cronos Galaxy

Joined on 2/16/06

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Pelemus-McSoy's News

Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - March 16th, 2008

Good morrow, everyone!

Goat-Man has sent me some more stuff for our game, and even made the picture that I now have on my profile! Ain't he awesome? :3

For every animation that he sends me, the closer we get to finishing our ultimate goal: Bill's Quest.

I've taken a break from DeRoze Picross to work on a secret animation! It should be ready soon, and I'm quite proud of it! I needed a break from lots of repetitive clicking and typing in DeRoze Picross...but once I'm done with this project, I'm gonna get right back to it! I want it out by my birthday!

Until next time...


The secret Animation is out! Check it out!

Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - March 11th, 2008

Hello everyone! How's everyone doing?

Pelo is beginning to panic a little. It's been over a month since Goat-Man sent me any animations for the RPG, and sadly, have also not heard from him since the 28th of February...

Good news (and somewhat bad news) is I still have DeRoze Picross to
work on. It's taking me a lot longer than I hoped to finish it, but it's making progress. If you click the link above, you'll probably think I've made no progress at all since the last post. Well in all honesty I've made much progress; that link is to a preview of the game. For the full game so far, I've completed 4 out of 15 10x10 puzzles, and the rest are already constructed and waiting for coding stuffs. The 15x15 puzzles will definitely take some time, but I figure getting one or two done a day shouldn't be too hard...I hope...Also, I've increased the size of the entire Flash so the 10x10 and 15x15 puzzles wouldn't be smushed into these teensy-weensy little boxes that are a bitch to click. I plan to have this done before April (if it digs into April, then I hope to finish it before my 18th birthday, but that's not a lot of time regardless...). Expect to see it on Newgrounds on April 5, 2008, and the proctection of it be your gift to me! :3

Anyways, I know that animations aren't my big thing anymore, but last week I got a great idea for an animation...what is it, you may ask? Well, you'll just have to wait and see! :3

Catch ya later!


/*Update: March 12*/
Goat-Man has been found! He should hopefully get some animations done for the game now! I'm excited! :3

Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - February 3rd, 2008

Okay, I love Armor Picross and its sequel. Much fun. Don't know why, don't care why.

Now, my instincts are telling me to make my own. It's that good I want to make my own.

And I am.

"But Pelo," you may say, "What about the RPG you said you were gonna work on with Goat-Man?" Well, I haven't forgotten about it. It's just taken him more time than expected to get the animations done. Not much I can do with it until he finishes...I mean, I took care of all the tests I needed to do before hand.

So think of the Picross game as a filler project to keep me from being bored.*


*both from Flash 8 and school

P.S. What do you think of it so far? DeRoze Picross

Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - December 14th, 2007

Good news everyone!

After much work, I have finally figured out the coding behind all necessary components of an RPG!

~Learning Moves
~Leveling Up
~Movement outside of battle
~Changing Scenes
~Setting up a move set
~Random Battle Encounters
~Saving and Loading

Now, I could bore you with four of the five programs that were merely tests and not meant for entertainment, but I have some common sense. So instead, I'll show you one test that houses many of the tests (and is quite enjoyable!).

White Vs. Oranges



Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - November 25th, 2007

Hey Newgrounds!

Got a couple things to show ya. They're test games that Goat-Man animated and I coded. Funny-Man will have backgrounds for the second game soon.

Game 1 is a single battle game where you choose both your and the AI's stats. Stupid fun.

Game 2, however, is a game where you choose only your stats, and get to fight many battles instead of one. It currently isn't finished and only has a couple battles completed, but when major updates are completed, I'll give an update at the bottom of the page.

Just wanna say thanks to the others for helping me out.


Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - October 15th, 2007

'Sup, peeps?

What's in the works, you may ask? If you did, then you're in luck! If not...well...shame on you for not asking.

I'm currently working on an animation that stars Bill Stad, Chad Leerze, and Kevin Yozly. Kevin is a new member to the DeRoze team (created by ckg2457), and he isn't the brightest bulb on the tree. He usually has a blank stare and shouts "TUNA!" and does whatever he is told to do. There are times, however, when he will say something intelligent that proves a point very well.

Anyway, back to the Flash. A small group uses Peer Pressure to tell Kevin to do nasty things. Bill, on the other hand, isn't so easily moved. It's a comical Flash with a serious theme, though.

This might be my last animation. Instead, I want to focus on the coding part of Flash!

Great segway for the next idea! Goat-Man and I are
gonna make a game together! He'll take care of the animations ('cause he freakin' rocks at it!), and I'll deal with the code (some tedious shit right there). Funny-Man may also h
elp out on Background (BG) art.

The most I'll say about the game right now is it will be an RPG. This is ironic because I am not a fan of this genre at all, but it seems easier than other games to make.

I'll keep ya posted on progress of the game's coding, and Goat-Man will keep you posted on the animations.


Posted by Pelemus-McSoy - October 3rd, 2007

Hey everyone! How are ya?

With the success of "Chad Weathers the Weather" and "Chad's Quest", I'm definitely feeling more confident about my skills as a Flash artist/programmer. I have an animation in the works, and a game idea that I'm toying with.

I'm also into making comics as well. Although I can't attach them here, I can offer another site that they're hosted on. Click here to be taken to the home of most of my stuff.


~Pelemus McSoy, CEO and Founder of DeRoze Comics
"Your entertainment, our comics."