College is great, but it's also dragging me down Flashwise...or maybe I just don't have any interest right now in completing Bill's Quest...haven't had energy to do the boss battles, the map's still gonna be a bitch to finish, and stuff for English keeps draining my energy...
I've also got ideas for animations I wanna solo project and something with a couple people here on campus (another Stickman Game)...but I don't know when there will be time for that...
Also, I normally would (attempt to) work on the game on weekend nights, but fortune has smiled upon me...I now spend the time that used to be lonely with my girlfriend. She's also helping me out for the game as well, and she's quite excited to work on it. =3
Hopefully I can muster some energy together at the end of the semester...June is most likely when I'll work on it again.
I apologize to all those who have been waiting and waiting for this to get done...
P.S. This picture is a hint at what my next Halloween costume will be...Any guesses? (Don't ruin the surprise, Fehfeh)
a happy bunny costume?