Pelo says...
~Nice graphics.
~Good plot.
~Too easy (at least, as far as I went).
~Controls take some getting used to.
~Some bugs here and there.
~Unfair in places.
It's a great idea for a game, and for the most part, it's very well done. However, after breaking a machine in the tutorial, none of my controls would work except for draining adrenaline.
Speaking of adrenaline, you shouldn't have it drain just when the S key is held down...that makes it unfair for those who aren't used to the controls, and since he isn't doing anything it makes no sense.
Another unfair thing in the game is the drills on the wall jumping. After encountering two of them and not being able to dodge them (they're max height isn't high enough to safely jump away from it), I quit. I'm not going to lose a health bar because of those things. I won't stand for it.
It has great potential, but needs some tweaking.