So a beta has been out for a few weeks now, but due to important college stuffs I've only had time to make a few fixes. The poor game is riddled with bugs, and each time someone tests it more is found that can be fixed. I also feel that the equation for battle damage is unbalanced, so I'm probably gonna fix that too.
In the past if I became overwhelmed with college stuffs I could just work on the game at home. Well, not anymore...I've had to use the library computers because mine can't handle it anymore, and the ones I've been using have CS4. That's right, kids, you now need Flash 10 to play my game. Do be so kind as to spread the word to people to download Flash 10 if they haven't already.
Not much else to say, really...'cept go and check this out because it's too short for Newgrounds.
P.S. Behold one of my aquarium inhabitants...elusive little bastard he is.
i like those fish
I find them more attractive than Plecos. They're also fast little buggers.