And I mean really close. Hell, it's so close I could lick it.
And the best part is I don't have to worry about my computer running out of memory! Seems that the campus computers can handle this SOB. FUCK YEAH!
Unfortunately, my original music artist, ZombieBeaver, ran out of ideas for songs, and the second person I called in for music realized he was too busy. Fortunately, a couple friends (Iplaygames and japanesekanji) are both gracious enough to help come up with the remaining music.
Goat-Man continues to create epic cutscenes (and I'm giving you all a treat...a screen shot from Bill's Quest from the last scene he sent me). This guy has given much of the game a funny and epic aura. Be sure to stop by and thank him for it. =3
Finally, I'm almost done with the basics...just the bosses need attention, and by golly I'll give 'em some! ...just as soon as I do a little reading for my classes. This year I wanna do good in school and Flash, but school comes first. However, this game WILLget done. I mean it this time!
Until next time,
I'll lick your BETA any time
Yes...yes you will.
Good news! I can export this sucka on the library computers, but it's gonna be in Flash's the only way to export it! D8>